194 research outputs found

    Approximate waveform templates for detection of extreme mass ratio inspirals with LISA

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    The inspirals of compact objects into massive black holes are some of the most exciting of the potential sources of gravitational waves for the planned Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA). Observations of such extreme mass ratio inspirals (EMRIs) will not only reveal to us the properties of black holes in the Universe, but will allow us to verify that the space-time structure around massive compact objects agrees with the predictions of relativity. Detection of EMRI signals via matched filtering and interpretation of the observations will require models of the gravitational waveforms. The extreme mass ratio allows accurate waveforms to be computed from black hole perturbation theory, but this is computationally expensive and has not yet been fully developed. Ongoing research to scope out LISA data analysis algorithms requires waveforms that can be generated quickly in large numbers. To fulfil this purpose, families of approximate, "kludge", EMRI waveforms have been developed that capture the main features of true EMRI waveforms, but that can also be generated for a comparatively small computational cost. In this proceedings article, we briefly outline one such waveform family (the "numerical kludge"), its accuracy and some possible ways in which it might be improved in the future. Although accurate parameter extraction will require use of perturbative waveforms, these approximate waveforms are sufficiently faithful to the true waveforms that they may be able to play a role in detection of EMRIs in the LISA data.Comment: 3 pages; to appear in Proceedings of the Eleventh Marcel Grossmann meetin

    Detecting LISA sources using time-frequency techniques

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    The planned Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) will detect gravitational wave signals from a wide range of sources. However, disentangling individual signals from the source-dominated data stream is a challenging problem and the focus of much current research. The problems are particularly acute for detection of extreme mass ratio inspirals (EMRIs), for which the instantaneous signal amplitude is an order of magnitude below the level of the instrumental noise, and the parameter space of possible signals is too large to permit fully-coherent matched filtering. One possible approach is to attempt to identify sources in a time-frequency spectrogram of the LISA data. This is a computationally cheap method that may be useful as a first stage in a hierarchical analysis. Initial results, evaluated using a significantly simplified model of the LISA data stream, suggest that time-frequency techniques might be able to detect the nearest few tens of EMRI events. In this proceedings article, we briefly outline the methods that have so far been applied to the problem, initial results and possible future directions for the research.Comment: 3 pages; to appear in Proceedings of the Eleventh Marcel Grossmann meetin

    Approximate Waveforms for Extreme-Mass-Ratio Inspirals in Modified Gravity Spacetimes

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    Extreme-mass-ratio inspirals, in which a stellar-mass compact object spirals into a supermassive black hole, are prime candidates for detection with space-borne milliHertz gravitational wave detectors, similar to the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna. The gravitational waves generated during such inspirals encode information about the background in which the small object is moving, providing a tracer of the spacetime geometry and a probe of strong-field physics. In this paper, we construct approximate, "analytic-kludge" waveforms for such inspirals with parameterized post-Einsteinian corrections that allow for generic, model-independent deformations of the supermassive black hole background away from the Kerr metric. These approximate waveforms include all of the qualitative features of true waveforms for generic inspirals, including orbital eccentricity and relativistic precession. The deformations of the Kerr metric are modeled using a recently proposed, modified gravity bumpy metric, which parametrically deforms the Kerr spacetime while ensuring that three approximate constants of the motion remain for geodesic orbits: a conserved energy, azimuthal angular momentum and Carter constant. The deformations represent modified gravity effects and have been analytically mapped to several modified gravity black hole solutions in four dimensions. In the analytic kludge waveforms, the conservative motion is modeled by a post-Newtonian expansion of the geodesic equations in the deformed spacetimes, which in turn induce modifications to the radiation-reaction force. These analytic-kludge waveforms serve as a first step toward complete and model-independent tests of General Relativity with extreme mass-ratio inspirals.Comment: v1: 28 pages, no figures; v2: minor changes for consistency with accepted version, 2 figures added showing sample waveforms; accepted by Phys. Rev.

    Detecting extreme mass ratio inspirals with LISA using time–frequency methods

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    The inspirals of stellar-mass compact objects into supermassive black holes are some of the most important sources for LISA. Detection techniques based on fully coherent matched filtering have been shown to be computationally intractable. We describe an efficient and robust detection method that utilizes the time–frequency evolution of such systems. We show that a typical extreme mass ratio inspiral (EMRI) source could possibly be detected at distances of up to ~2 Gpc, which would mean ~tens of EMRI sources can be detected per year using this technique. We discuss the feasibility of using this method as a first step in a hierarchical search

    Verifying the no-hair property of massive compact objects with intermediate-mass-ratio inspirals in advanced gravitational-wave detectors

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    The detection of gravitational waves from the inspiral of a neutron star or stellar-mass black hole into an intermediate-mass black hole (IMBH) promises an entirely new look at strong-field gravitational physics. Gravitational waves from these intermediate-mass-ratio inspirals (IMRIs), systems with mass ratios from ~10:1 to ~100:1, may be detectable at rates of up to a few tens per year by Advanced LIGO/Virgo and will encode a signature of the central body's spacetime. Direct observation of the spacetime will allow us to use the "no-hair" theorem of general relativity to determine if the IMBH is a Kerr black hole (or some more exotic object, e.g. a boson star). Using modified post-Newtonian (pN) waveforms, we explore the prospects for constraining the central body's mass-quadrupole moment in the advanced-detector era. We use the Fisher information matrix to estimate the accuracy with which the parameters of the central body can be measured. We find that for favorable mass and spin combinations, the quadrupole moment of a non-Kerr central body can be measured to within a ~15% fractional error or better using 3.5 pN order waveforms; on the other hand, we find the accuracy decreases to ~100% fractional error using 2 pN waveforms, except for a narrow band of values of the best-fit non-Kerr quadrupole moment.Comment: Second version, 12 pages, 5 figures, accepted by PR
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